about company

Idealsource has been operational since 2008.

Idealsource provides information technology services and solutions, and consulting services. Its services include application, business intelligence, consulting, architecture, enterprise quality, content management, integration, enterprise application integration, quality assurance services, and Web applications.

It serves financial services, investment banking, life sciences, healthcare, telecom, manufacturing, technology, as well as various federal, state and local government agencies. Idealsource has been operational since 2008 with offices in Dallas, Texas and Hyderabad India.

Ideal Source Values

Integrity is the most important value. Our clients can rely upon Idealsource to provide the solution of the task with utmost confidentiality and with highest quality standards.



Client Commitment is what differentiates Idealsource from others doing similar work. The Idealsource client should have absolute confidence that the task will be performed using the latest technological procedure, appropriate to the situation, to a quality standard unsurpassed in industry.


Client Commitment

Happy People characterize Idealsource. Considerable thought and time are spent analyzing the client tasks to be completed and carefully matching them with a team. Team is well trained and suitable for completion.


Happy People